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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

"Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children"

If I ever have kids, I'm going to have them raised by wolves.

I've thought about it seriously. For awhile, I thought I'd have them raised by the state, but then I thought about it, and I decided that wolves would probably do a better job. Plus, since there aren't any wolves in Australia, I could take the kids to some socialist paradise in Europe where, in the unlikely event that the wolves fail in their parental duty, the state can take over and raise the kids to be happy, singing comrades. Or something like that.

"On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War"

This may well be the most compelling work of non-fiction I've read - and I read a lot of non-fiction. Dave Grossman is a former paratrooper, instructor at West Point, psychologist and now Professor of Military Science at Arkansas State University. His understanding of killing draws on his vast experience in these widely divergent fields, and so he brings a great deal of insight into what he sees as a relatively recent concept.

Friday, April 08, 2005

'Licked all over by the English tongue'

Today I'm going to post some poems by the African-American poet Harryette Mullen. I've recently fallen head-over-heels in love with her work - that phrase above! awesome! - and since I've found out that she's a professor of English at UCLA, it has only furthered my determination to spend some time studying there in a few years time. There, and Berkeley, where both Judith Butler and Eve Sedgwick teach (these guys, together with Foucault, are really the Big Three theorists on which gender studies is built).

Anyhow, I'm just going to post three of her poems from her book 'Sleeping with the Dictionary'. Read and discuss.


cozy comfortable homey homelike
sheltered protected private concealed covered
snug content relaxed restful sedate
untroubled complacent placid serene calm undisturbed
wealthy affluent prosperous substantial
acceptable satisfied satisfactory adequate
uncomfortable uneasy restless
unsuitable indigent
bothersome irritating painful
troublesome discomfiting disturbing
destitute impoverished needy
penniless penurious poor
poverty-stricken embarrassing
upsetting awkward ill-at-ease
nervous self-conscious tense


Now that my ears are connected to a random answer machine, the wrong brain keeps talking through my hat. Now that I've been licked all over by the English tongue, my common law spout is suing for divorce. Now that the Vatican has confessed and the White House has issued an apology, I can forgive everything and forget nothing. Now the overdrawn credits roll as the bankrupt star drives a patchwork cab to the finished line, where a broke robot waves a mended tablecloth, which is the stale flag of a checkmate career. Now that the history of civilisation has been encrypted on a medium grain of rice, it's taken the starch out of the stuffed shorts. Now as the Voice of America crackles and fades, the market reports that today the Euro hit a new low. Now as the reel unravels, our story unwinds with the curious dynamic of an action flick without a white protagonist.


We are not responsible for your lost or stolen relatives. We cannot guarantee your safety if you disobey our instructions. We do not endorse the causes or claims of people begging for handouts. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Your ticket does not guarantee that we will honour your reservations. In order to facilitate our procedures, please limit your carrying on. Before taking off, please extinguish all smouldering resentments. If you cannot understand English, you will be moved out of the way. In the event of a loss, you'd better look out for yourself. Your insurance was cancelled because we can no longer handle your frightful claims. Our handlers lost your luggage and we are unable to find the key to your legal case. You were detained for interrogation because you fit the profile. You are not presumed to be innocent if the police have reason to suspect you are carrying a concealed wallet. It's not our fault you were born wearing a gang colour. It is not our obligation to inform you of your rights. Step aside, please, while our officer inspects your bad attitude. You have no rights that we are bound to respect. Please remain calm, or we can't be held responsible for what happens to you.